Download Game Half Life Offline


In many ways, creating a sequel to Half-Life is an unenviable task. After all, the goal is to craft not just any ordinary game, but an improvement to a title that is.

Wanted! The Western Mod is a mod for Half-Life, created by Maverick Developments.


WANTED! is a total conversion of Valve Software’s Half-Life produced by Maverick Developments in the United Kingdom. Wanted! is a single player and a multi player game.

The theme of Wanted! is set in the American Wild West. It spans the Mountain Indian, Mexican villas and the Western town appearance.

Wanted! is not designed to be representative of any specific period of the American Wild West. It is designed to be a fun gaming experience in the style of the West in its total era.

4 different settings to explore: Mountain, Mexican, Town, Mine


4 different races to battle: Indian, Mexican, Cowboy & Miner.

Various animals such as snakes, bears, pumas and scorpions

11 dedicated Deathmatch levels

5 Special “Capture the Chicken” levels

4 Special “High Noon” levels (Duel Mode)

13 period player weapons

Period pick-up items and theme setting models

Atmospheric sounds

“Cow-Bots” (providing computer opponents)

Over 500 appealing period style texturesTo install:

Extract into “… SteamsteamappscommonHalf-Life' and restart Steam

Download Game Half Life Offline Free

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7 days

Half-Life - v. MB6/14/200226.5K119
Half-Life - Sven Co-op v.4.8mod718.1 MB8/8/201314.5K76
Half-Life - Wanted! The Western Modmod95.5 MB2/6/20173K53
Half-Life - Half-Life HD modpack v.1mod163.7 MB11/19/20172.5K42
Half-Life - Point of View v.1.1mod51 MB2/18/20181K40
Half-Life - Brutal Half-Life v.0.1mod23.3 MB5/17/20157.8K27
Half-Life - Residual Life v.1.4mod94.1 MB2/5/20171K26
Half-Life - They Hunger v.16052017mod67.5 MB6/21/20171.3K23
Half-Life - C.A.G.E.D.mod120.7 MB11/19/20172.1K20
Half-Life - Cry of Fear v.1.0mod1654.2 MB2/9/20138.3K19
Half-Life - Sandbot v. MB7/31/201735518
Half-Life - Half-Life Black Opsmod42.7 MB10/15/20171.3K16
Half-Life - Azure Sheep v.1.1mod72.9 MB2/18/20181.1K16
Half-Life - The Timeline Trilogy v.1.1cmod445 MB3/19/201783211
Half-Life - Paranoia v.1.2.3mod271.4 MB7/12/20177.2K10
Half-Life - Half Life Prison v.2.1mod70.2 MB5/14/201764610
due to recent (and ongoing) piracy problems hitting valve over the last year, the company has decided to take a leaf out of microsoft's book. all copies of half-life 2 bought in stores (not through steam) will require online activation akin to how windows xp is activated. if you don't activate the game, you can't play it full-stop, not even in single player. this is probably going to upset quite a few people, and even though it is nice to think that everyone has an internet connection there are probably a lot of gamers who don't. i can see why valve has done this, and it does tie-in nicely with its steam service. but this may also mean that all patches will require an activated copy, and any future add-ons will do an activation check before allowing play to commence. is this the future of anti-piracy in games? thanks to spong for the heads-up.

user comments 66 comment(s)

oh well(1:43pm est wed oct 27 2004)
i wasn't really going to buy it anyway, but it's nice to have a reason by nonet@home
oh, boy…(1:45pm est wed oct 27 2004)
at least windows xp can be activated off-line, with just the use of a telephone and a toll free number.

i personally know at least one person who will not be happy by this news. worse still, if people aren't aware of this until after they install the product, they'll have a hard time getting their money back for a product they paid for many stores have a policy on video games and computer software that, if the box has been opened, there is no refund period.

i don't like the sound of this one bit. by jacob

hmm…(1:47pm est wed oct 27 2004)
i suppose you can always take your box to a friends house, or in to work, and load it up there… not a big deal, but certainly inconvient for those without home internet access… or you could wait until the inevitable port to one of the console systems… but who wants to wait? i don't! by disconnected gamer
omg!!!!!!!!(1:48pm est wed oct 27 2004)
“this is probably going to upset quite a few people, and even though it is nice to think that everyone has an internet connection there are probably a lot of gamers who don't.”

i'm guessing by “a lot” you mean “almost zero.”

seriously, people should stop whining. by xm

problem?(1:49pm est wed oct 27 2004)
what's the big deal?
how many gaming peeps don't have net access on their gaming pc?
who's got good reason to get pissy about this?
it'll be cracked soon enough for the people who never buy their games, and for the people who do- it's no biggie! by honest gamer
hmmmmm…(1:50pm est wed oct 27 2004)
seems like they could have mentioned tjis some time in the last couple years that they've been hyping this game, or were they worried that it would kill the hype?

i was unsure of this game until now by no sale

re problem?(1:52pm est wed oct 27 2004)
yeah, doesn't everyone's parents pay for their net access by okay
not so smart…(1:55pm est wed oct 27 2004)
if this makes you not want to buy the game, you need to get your head checked.

people complain about having to use cd's when they play a game. well now you won't have to. what do you want? do you want there to be no copy protection so you can let your friend “borrow” your copy to install on his computer. i bet you do, but you can't always get what you want. suck it up, it's not a big deal. by stop complaining

ah(1:58pm est wed oct 27 2004)
guess this will be the first game i've paid for in a while. i would have bought it anyway because the last game was so awesome. this will upset legit buyers though and pirates will just use cracks. by *****
hello 'gamers'(1:59pm est wed oct 27 2004)
welcome to the rest of the world. imo, the world should not have to cator to people who, sue to some circumstance, do not have an internet connection. i am also willing to bet that they will have a toll free dial up number that you can use your 56k for…. by sad :(
it's not that bad…(2:04pm est wed oct 27 2004)
it's really not that bad. if somebody doesn't have an internet connection… most libraries have connection to the web. if someone has no way to get to an internet connection… well… i'm sorry for them, but it's a small price to pay for copyright protection…

it sucks, oh well, maybe there'll be an alternative proposed if valve gets enough complaints.

adios, y'all… by psyborg

come on people…(2:05pm est wed oct 27 2004)
do you really think this is gonna stop it from being cracked? i think not.

my money says this game will be in the scene 2 days before it hits retail shelves. by mas

k*ss my ass!!!(2:09pm est wed oct 27 2004)
if the price is reasonable, people will buy it. i mean come on, it only a freaking game. activation crap will only motive, encourage people to pirate. by -)
this is a stalling point only….(2:13pm est wed oct 27 2004)
honest gamers (including yours truly) will rush out and buy this game the day it is released. i will get 2+ weeks of play time before the 'crack' hits the streets.

considering the cost of privacy, especially the impact it has had with valve, this is not an unreasonble reaction.

they will make major bucks in the beginning (like every other game), then sales will taper off. with on-line registration, the sales will taper off at a slower rate until someone creates the 'crack'.

then, the playing field will once again be leveled and people who want to pirate a copy will like every other program on the planet. by hodar

um(2:39pm est wed oct 27 2004)
how is this an issue whatsoever? first of all everyone has internet access. period.

second of all, it will be cracked within 32 seconds of it being released, and for those who don't want to pay for it, they wont have to. by gei

old news(2:51pm est wed oct 27 2004)
geek is always so up to date. i think i read that somewhere on google news last week. by keep up
uhh(2:57pm est wed oct 27 2004)
i've got a buddy whos already played the full english version by too bad so sad
buhahaha(3:03pm est wed oct 27 2004)
they better post that on the box or they will get sued from someone who buys the game with no internet access because it says single player. by whatever
halo 2 done been pwned(3:04pm est wed oct 27 2004)
i've already got the code for halo 2 running on my vic-20. so sorry suckaz!!!
by l33tlo@d3r
futureplaying(3:04pm est wed oct 27 2004)
what happens if i dig halflife 2 out of my attic in 4 years (because it's awesome) and want to play it? i'll have to hope and pray that valve still has their activation website up and running? that'll piss me right off.

by clock

meaningless(3:04pm est wed oct 27 2004)
the single-player version will still be cracked… in fact… i'm 100% positive the pirated version will be enjoyed by the warezerz well before the 'great-unwashed' get their legit version from the local eb.


which group do you wanna be from? by johny-d

cracked version won't work man(3:05pm est wed oct 27 2004)
i mean do you really think that the cracked version will work. h3ll no it won't because hl2 has to be incoporated with steam anyway and i hope you all know how steam is anyway its not worth having pirated this is a game worth spending the money on. most people have cracks for games and some of them wrk half @$$ and you are stuck with a now bad download and a possible trojan some script kiddie decieced to add to the “crack” and ship in right out on kazaa among other p2p places. by sicklecell
has anyone thought about(3:06pm est wed oct 27 2004)
whether you will be able to reinstall the same copy on your pc after doing the monthly reinstall of windows? how about installing on the new computer when you upgrade. obviously these are legitimate uses whichcould be viewed by the company as infringements, at least by what they can see from their side.

for instance you're happily legitimately playing your game when one day your motherboard dies. you buy a new motherboard but since it's not an exact match you need to reinstall windows. you reinstall the game only to discover that “you are using an illegal copy of this software it is already registered to user xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx on machine xxxxxxxx”. since your pc died you weren't able to unregister the old machine and now their servers think that you are illegally installing the game on a new system. now what?

additionally what the hell does product activation have to do with their poor security standards on their servers? the code wasn't stolen by somebody running unregistered software. by loki

greed is good(3:06pm est wed oct 27 2004)
…typical valve response. waaaaaah…someone stole our code and delayed the release….right! how convenient for you…and it didn't result in a little extra exposure and publicity hype now did it?

pirate away my friends and pummel them into bankruptcy… by mr gekko

internet access(3:12pm est wed oct 27 2004)
not everyone even has access to high speed internet, except for sucky dialup that ends up running at 24,000 bps like at our house. luckily we just got the cable company to offer it in our area.

i could see this upsetting those people a few miles from civilization. by nugget

re: mr. gekko(3:15pm est wed oct 27 2004)
are you as short sighted in life, as you are here.

pirate and bankrupt valve, then id, and black isle, and ea games then who? do you have any idea of what it takes to qualify and release a game? let's simply ignore the advances in directx, or semm, or even the graphics. let's just look at what it takes to be compatible for every mobo, sound card, processor and video card on the market.

now, let's add some 'wow' factor so people will even look at your product. obviously, you have no idea of the time and manpower required to do the most fundamental development of a software product. now, let's analyze the 'life' of the product (measured in months, not years).

so, given the years it takes to make, debug and release a game, the thousands of man-hours involved in coding, creating engines, alpha and beta testing, marketing, deployment and support it's amazing that these companies can be financially viable at all.

now, consider that what percentage of the games released are actually 'fun', and will actually be purchased.

writing gaming software is not a profession i would chose for job stability, profitability or security. by hodar

so i can't buy new graphics card?(3:47pm est wed oct 27 2004)
i heard that if you upgrade the computer, the game wont work on the new computer. man. this sucks. the game or no more computer. i guess i will pass on the game. by west life
the wave of the future(3:49pm est wed oct 27 2004)
it's already been pefected by the credit card companies. don't pay your fees and the account stops working.

same with cellphone providers and isp's, no real modivation to hack them if you are validated each and every time you try to use it. just how many people do you see stealing cellphone & inet service, not many.

i'm kind of surprised it's taken the game makers this long to really protect their ip, after all it runs on a computer which is connected to the internet. by duh

re: -)(3:53pm est wed oct 27 2004)
you are right on. this only pisses people off more, and makes them want to crack/hack it sooner. by seljo myeri
living in the present…(3:56pm est wed oct 27 2004)
if you dont have an internet connect, not even dial-up, you should quit doing your homework on those stone tablets of yours and jump to the present century… by ugh
i was looking foward to downloading (3:59pm est wed oct 27 2004)
it… i always download games first… if i like them, i go buy them, if not, i dont' bother. the last game was doom3, and i am glad i didn't waste my money on that pile of crap game. 60$ what a waste. so, in learning a lesson, that no matter how much hype, doesn't mean a good game, i will pirate a copy first, then purchase. by chuckycheese
geeeeeez(4:07pm est wed oct 27 2004)
treating all your customers as criminals is never a good policy. look at the riaa, or the turbotax issue last year.

also, the more of this we accept as consumers, the worse it will get. keep saying “it doesn't matter”, and soon they'll be monitoring your home pc as acceptance of the license agreement.
by stevek

just imagine(4:16pm est wed oct 27 2004)
{sarcasm mode on}
i mean can you imagine the gall they have! it's nothing like back in the good old days where you had to go miles to find a stack of 3.5 inch floppies and load each one, one after another just to play a simple game.
{sarcasm mode off}

this is the future of the system and your going to have to learn to live with it. it beats the hell out of driving to the store to see if they have it and finding it's sold out. then when you find it, you have to load the thing into the computer and keep the disks locked up safe so that you don't ruin them if you happen to lose a drive or something.

personally, i can't believe they got hacked but you learn your lessons one way or the other. but the fact remains that you had to do this with microsoft products and others so how is this different? by kyle

net access(4:29pm est wed oct 27 2004)
have t-1 at work, use it lots.
have no [active] hard-lines at home.
not phone, not cable, nothin'.
use a cell phone for calls.
if i need to go online for something not work related, i do it from a 'friend's connection.

online registration is bs.
if i'm not online, i'm not downloading the damn thing [or a crack for it], now – am i?

by ac

Download Game Half Life Offline Download

lol(5:07pm est wed oct 27 2004)
cracked version won't work man (3:05pm est wed oct 27 2004)
i mean do you really think that the cracked version will work. h3ll no it won't because hl2 has to be incoporated with steam anyway and i hope you all know how steam is anyway its not worth having pirated this is a game worth spending the money on. most people have cracks for games and some of them wrk half @$$ and you are stuck with a now bad download and a possible trojan some script kiddie decieced to add to the “crack” and ship in right out on kazaa among other p2p places. – by sicklecell

i guarantee that this guy has never downloaded anything in his life. just look at what he has too say. it's obvious that all his information is rehashed propaganda.

i've downloaded terrabytes worth of data online and the scenario your describing has happened to me only once. it was instantly picked up by norton's and quarantined to await my disposal of it. by you fear monger

online regs(5:07pm est wed oct 27 2004)
i have a steam account now and i registered it on another computer it works fine on this computer and several others on my network… i dont know if hl2 will be different but i hope not! i do have to say i hate steam for one reason… its terrible loading scheme ! i have cable and its still slow at times on half life 1 i can only imagine how its going to be with half life 2's textures… by steamed user…
no half life?(5:14pm est wed oct 27 2004)
how do they expect to sell any copies. most of the consumers are not even out of grade school. how can they be expected to have net access? by no way, man
how many copies for multiple pcs(5:15pm est wed oct 27 2004)
just how will they handle owning the game and wanting to put on your other computer or 2 or 5?

will they make you buy a new game cd for every new comp you load it on?

hmm.. by hard nards

only hurts the people who dont hack.(5:19pm est wed oct 27 2004)
this method doest stop hackers, every program that is popular and has internet registration required has been hacked to by pass it.
windows xp hacked their registration only stops you from getting service packs but i think that can/has been circumvented, i just haven’t looked into it.
norton's av hacked just unplug your network connection and let the hack do the rest, same goes for dvd x copy.
those are just the programs i know of.

my experience so far has been if it can be locked then it can be unlocked, if it can be coded it can be decoded. you just need the right tool, the time, and the motivation. where there's a will there's a way, and i know there is plenty of will to crack hl2 security, not just to rip it off but just because its a challenge. i wouldn’t be surprised if the hack comes from an actual person working on the half life 2 project.
by the ai

yep…(5:54pm est wed oct 27 2004)
definitely not gonna buy it now…

sad thing is, there will probably be a crack for it 2 days before it launches. by bill

ha!(5:59pm est wed oct 27 2004)
aw too bad, i guess thoes people wont be able to play…the most anticipated game of, oh i dunno… the year! but seriously, quit ur whining and get hooked up! and if you can't… and your one of the three out of a million who have a computer strong enough for hl2 but no internet…too bad. by cam
steam is bs !(6:11pm est wed oct 27 2004)
and so is valve !

i only have been playing counter strike for 5~6 months. and during those time, almost every time valve updated steam, day of defeat, or counter strike, i was not able to play my games off-line or on-line.

steam is a wonderful way to update games and find servers. however, it has at least three immidiate disadvantages.

(1) it forces you to update games. for example, if they think awp (a weapon) is too powerful, they can tone it down with a new update, and every one has to get used to it. because there is no way to play the game without updating it.

(2) when a new update gets released, it is very likely that you can't play any games for 1 to 2 days. since the only way to update your game is through steam, it cannot handle all the users of cs, dod or other games. and when they cannot handle updates, steam cannot check the cd-key or steam id, and you cannot play until they can authenticate your cd-key.

(3) when steam updates, it also does very unnecessary updates too. i bought a copy of half life that i can play hl, cs, dod, etc. however i did not and do not plan to buy half life 2 or cs: condition zero. steam downloaded 1.29 giga bytes of cs:cz and hl2 related files on my computer. no wonder my ping was so high. imaging 1.3 gb for a dial-up user. that's forced / automatic downloading without users' interaction.

(other serious problems) not to mention, the updates frequently messes up games. if you are not familier with trouble shooting pcs, you probably won't be able to play hl2 at all.

uninstalling the game and reinstalling it won't do it. deleting following files might do it. c:program filessteamsteamappsplatform.gcf and
c:program filessteamclientregistry.blob

also if you do not know how to back up
3 gb of gcf files from c:program filessteamsteamapps you will have to download 3 gb of data through steam. that's quite large even for dsl/cable users.

!! valve sucks !!

having said about downloading 3gb of data through steam, the upgrade version of day of defeat can only be downloaded and bought through steam. retail hl2 or hl2 collectors edition does not include dod.

paying extra money for an old mod for a game is not that bad. (since it's an upgrade and people worked on it.) however, only being able to buy dod:s through steam is not fair for dial-up users. also i don't like the idea that i have to back up 3gb or more of data on my own, without a cd from the manufacturer. heck, i cannot even trade it on gametz.

also, i have credit cards. however, there are kids, without cc, who wants to play dod. steam accepts cc only.

i understand that valve is having hard feelings toward vivendi universal, and they are trying to make most money out of hl2 and not for vu.

in this mess, valve is trying to sacrifice its customers. bad move!

i hate you valve and your stupid steam. and don't even think about taking discontinuing cs in favor of cs:s, mr. dunken.

thanks for reading and sorry for my mess. but you get the idea. by penpen

its all your fault…(7:34pm est wed oct 27 2004)
its everyone fault that this had to come to this. internet connection are getting faster, so we can download more games, more movies and the like. also soon dial up will become almost free… its pritty much dirt cheap over here.

i personally like the idea, i hate it how people just download the game illegally. its putting up the price of the game in the store. i do see the problem for people who dont have the internet, but really… its the peoples fault who crack these games, download them, and so on… by chris-harry

chris-harry(7:38pm est wed oct 27 2004)
yes, but i got my games for free and you paid. are you angry, jealous, both?

survival of the fittest, homegrown. by 12yo boy

loki,(7:57pm est wed oct 27 2004)
you sign into your own account and the game is activated on your account. by germaniumgenie

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sure i wont buy(8:06pm est wed oct 27 2004)
yup.. jut one more reason i wont buy this peice of shit. rediculously over-hyped. lied to by the company about the reason for the delay, and now they call all their customers criminals. valve, shove it up your ass. i'm gonna dance on your grave when you fold. by valvesucks
let me get *right* to [ a / the ] point.(8:16pm est wed oct 27 2004)
* requires activation over the internet. – big deal.

* developers need to get paid – fact. to do this, they work for companies who sell games… go figure.

* you don't have a net connection – then you will never reply to this ( if you do then you have a connection)

* it will be on the scene – probably, is there anything that is not. ( barring hardware)

so in summary what is any one complaining about. if it requires activation and you do not have a net connection then i am sorry valve is at fault. and i am sure that whatever country you live in there will be laws to protect you via consumer rights. yes valve should have telephone activation and that may very well be a path that they may go down, who knows?. i don't but i do know this. tonight the sun will set and tommorrow it will rise. i also know this pattern will repeat itself.

bottom line – deal with it. if you have no internet connection, then move somewhere that does. if you live at home and are to young to have a house, then this is something to aspire towards.

in the great scheme of things it's no big deal. by mr jamie curle – uk

re: penpen(10:28pm est wed oct 27 2004)
you're full of shit!

i paid : $59(for gold)
i received :
condition zero
cz – deleted scenes
deathmatch classic
opposing force

penpen only made one good observation, if you don't have broadband you should probably wait to make your purchase. penpen makes observations from a dialup user perspective and he hasn't even purchased hl2 yet. i have no downtime and i have dod without paying directly for it. by ironsmith

hamachi(7:19pm est tue nov 01 2005)
yopu can still play hl1 over the internet wiht hamachi, i dont know if this will work with hl2? maybe after you get a crack? then make lan games wiht ur buddies over the net? there are ways to get around steam… there will always be cracks etc.. i bought the game and i love playing online.. but steam is a pile of crap.. especiallty wiht the old hl1 shit.. so i play half life 1 and cs 1 over the net wiht my buds using hamachi… by aaron
oi vey.(10:42am est thu nov 03 2005)
it amazes me how little people know. yes, steam can be cracked for single player in hl2, and there are ways to probably crack it for nline play. people should wake up and realize that the gaming business will never be able to stop crackers/hackers. by mur
oi vey(1:52am est sun nov 06 2005)
i was just showing an amazingly simple way to play online for people that dont want certain cracks for one reason or another
by aaron
travelin(10:22pm est mon nov 07 2005)
ve an online connection? i already activated it but it still wont let me play single player offline. pls hlp. drop me an email by futurezero
hl2 over hyped(3:41am est thu dec 22 2005)
i wouldn't even worry about getting hl2 activated only mindless idiots think the game is good . it's so bug ridden it's not worth the funds to purchase it not to forget steam isn't worth messing with , i know you kids will say ” you must have a sucky pc then” well guess your just wrong , i have well more than enough pc to play nay game out on the market with ease no problems .
this steam activation for single player games is just as stupid as steam itself is .there are alot of gamers who do not have internet access i know many who play only single player games , and most don't care about this because they hate valves junky trash anyway can't say i blame them .
it's up to the public to stop companies from trying to take over your pc & your games and force you to use them the way the company wants you to . if the general public would grow some balls and intelligence and boycott some this shit it would all go away and gaming can resume back to normal without tyrants ..
by ex valve gamer

Free Half Life Game Download

when you assume…(1:15pm est tue dec 27 2005)
right, valve isnt going to lose any money because there are plenty of people with a net connection who can fully enjoy the game.

but it is ignorant for anyone to assume that “everybody must” have a net connection, let alone a broadband one. some people arent fortunate enough to have our parents pay for our hookup. and $60/month isnt exactly change one can find in thier couch cushions.

i find the current trend towards online-only pc games to be similar to that of the rise of reality television. what ever happened to the enthralling, suspenseful and exciting plot lines and stories found in singleplayer games? and now even these singleplayer games require online connections?

hey, i like gaming with other humans as much as the next guy, but this “steam” engine brings up another question: how are you suppose to play a lan game with your buddies if you also need to be connected to the net to launch the game? last time i checked, you cant use a crossover cable and be connected to the net at the same time.

i was a big fan of half life and looking forward to playing hl2. upon hearing news of this “steam” thing, it looks like i'll have to wait longer, by which time something better is sure to have come out anyways. by kurt

what a rip(5:56pm est fri jan 06 2006)
had i had known that this was not a first person non internet connected game it would still be on the shelf. some of us gamers like the install and play, ie doom, quake etc. this steam crap has opened my eyes to individuals that will always keep taking your money and selling you a product that is not what you expected. it is just another way of parting the consumer from the dollar. keep your eyes open and read read read the fine print. i think i will uninstall this game and burn it out back. lesson learned by dan

Half Life 1 Free Download

thanks(2:30pm est sat jan 07 2006)
this is an excellent site thanks for the information! by andy
lol(11:10am est mon jan 09 2006)
this concept may be good against pirating, but it sux so bad…i have so much trouble to play the game…i have the collectors edition and it gives more trouble then any pirated game…i beleive such “protection” encourages piracy and cracks even more!

way to go valve! by lol

just my luck(10:29am est sun jan 15 2006)
yeah i have just bought hl2 and i am on a network but for some reason cannot get the internet on one of the computers(ironicly the only one that will run hl2 descently) (the other 2 have it) is there anyway i could register it through another computer or something?

thanks i really would apreciate any help. by commander_jato

ripped off??!?(1:45am est wed feb 01 2006)
after repeated, frusterating attempts to overcome the ai problem in the downloaded version, i have decided to buy the game, because i like to support those who developed it. :|
i don't appreciate purchasing a game for $59.83 opening the package, installing 4 gigs worth on my hard drive, and finding out that it's just a demo. oh, and it comes with a few full additional features and some evil corporate program known as 'steam' that persists on gathering information about my personal identity i did not intend on bargaining for this.
now i have to buy the game online…well what about those who don't have credit cards?
it's too bad, i loved this game, but you can't blame valve for stupid costumers who'd rather not put forth a small percentage of their paycheque into a game that they may realize it is, afterall, worth buying.
by the way, it wasn't my downloaded version, i repeat, i am not a pirate. by antipiracy!
well actually(10:58pm est thu feb 09 2006)
my comp does not have internet access, i use this comp (the networked comp) because to tell you the truth, i don't want any viruses or spyware on my comp so i keep it off the internet. all i have to do is figure out how to get stupid dsl to work on win98se… great… by semi-angry
no internet(7:01pm est tue feb 21 2006)
if you dont have the internet then why would you crack the game. ther is no way of getting the game off the internet if you dont have it. so why have people connect to steam. although i do have a cracked version of half-life 1 and i dont need to connect to the internet. by 0v3rk1ll

Game Half-life

digitalcameras store(6:06am est tue apr 04 2006)
i want mp3 player. what will advise? by anton
cycling online store(12:32am est mon apr 10 2006)
to write the letter, it is necessary … by dmitry
popek(3:24am est sun apr 16 2006)
hamachi half life 1
pass:popek by popek
how the hell ?(3:44pm est tue jul 04 2006)
how the hell do you unregister a copy of dod so a new owner can use it?

it does not seem all that apparent and valve wont reply to that question…. by tweakfreak

cd-key(4:58am est tue aug 01 2006)
hey all.
a few months later i bought counterstrike:con zero!.
and lost the cd-key. ive got it installed on the com but i need the cd-key. ive searched on the internet for ages for it. if you could please tell me the code i will gratelly appriecate it.
peace. by james floyed